New trends in researches for crushing and softening of mineral resources in HPGR (roller press)
Since May, 2015 TOMS Institute has broadened its scope in researches of mineral resources by implementation of crushing and softening technology in high pressure grinding rolls (HPGR). Testing is performed in roller press 52/10-230 manufactured by KöppernAufbereitungstechnik GmbH & Co.KG (Germany) which is generally recognized as a leader on international equipment market.
Installed at the TOMS Institute this roller press nowadays is one of a kind on the territory of Russia and CIS. It allows carrying out full-fledged testing of material for equipment selection using press roll with diameter equal to 1000 mm. Personnel of the Institute completed full-time course in Russia and Germany according to Köppern standards.

Testing in the roller press according to Köppern method makes it possible to define impact of such factors like feed and product size, material moisture content, pressure, abrasivity, closed-circuit operation with screens and others. There are different variants of samples testing due to customer specific requirements. Generally standard program of crude ore testing includes number of tests for optimal parameters in crushing and ore softening ranging from 100% 30-40 mm to 100 % 5-10 mm. Required mass of sample ranges from 2 to 4 tons depending on the program.
Researches with concentrators (iron ores) include search for optimal pressing parameters to increase outer specific surface according to Bleine (e.g. aim ≥1800 Usually sample mass ranges from 2 to 3 tons.
Tests performance at the TOMS Institute suggests following functions:
- to reduce materials delivery time and avoid custom registration when samples are sent abroad;
- to curtail expenses for research works in comparison to similar foreign services thanks to lower cost price of testing in Russia;
- to execute sample testing with mass of several tons which makes it possible to define highly effective operational parameters of material fracture, as well as to get raw materials for further researches;
- to use actual feed size (30-40 mm) for design crushing with crude ore;
- to carry our analysis of actual granulometric characteristics and grindability of roller press products;
- to obtain true to life primary data for precise selection of model/ standard size of industrial roller press and reaching of required capacity and coarseness of material crushing;
- to model different schemes of ore processing using roller press and ball mill;
- to define effectiveness of HPGR technology implementation in existing or new production;
- to get recommendations from Köppern Aufbereitungstechnik GmbH & Co.KG, the leading world manufacturer of HPGR;
- if necessary to fulfill engineering and economical comparison of HPGR technology and alternative schemes of ore processing, e.g. AG or SAG (on the basis of SAGDesign tests or JK DWT/SMC).